A late discovery of the far north of Scotland was a revelation to me. That such exquisite landscape was so easily available was magic.
I have started to work in colour using the techniques honed over the years in view camera usage and exposure evaluation.
I admire the work of Eliot Porter and began to work in a similar but, I believe, my own personal style. The view camera gives me control of the image I wish to capture and, together with its movements, I have complete control of the plane of focus. The large film format gives wonderful detail, excellent colour gradation and feeling of light that requires a contemplative approach to image making, which I believe shines through in my landscape work.
Not for me the grand vista but the more intimate revelations of nature’s processes.
I have started to work in colour using the techniques honed over the years in view camera usage and exposure evaluation.
I admire the work of Eliot Porter and began to work in a similar but, I believe, my own personal style. The view camera gives me control of the image I wish to capture and, together with its movements, I have complete control of the plane of focus. The large film format gives wonderful detail, excellent colour gradation and feeling of light that requires a contemplative approach to image making, which I believe shines through in my landscape work.
Not for me the grand vista but the more intimate revelations of nature’s processes.

West Woods, Marborough, Wiltshire



Rock & Sunlight, Loch Fleet


Ice Bubbles

Ice Patterns

Pine Needles on Water

Water's Edge

Jelly Fish Loch Fleet

Pine Needles on Water

Tree silhouettes

Embo Beach-water seeping over rocks

Feather on Seawater

Rocks in pier timbers

Tarbet Ness Lighthouse, Scotland

Clacktoll Bay, Highlands of Scotland

KnowltonChurch, ClutieTree